
Pilates- Made for Men and Women Alike

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Contrary to popular belief, not only was Pilates created by a man but it was also first used by men! German-born Joseph Hubertus Pilates actually started Pilates as a form of rehabilitation for soldiers during WWI.  It was also used for dancers and had the ideal focus of balancing the mind, body, and spirit. Then in the 1920s, Joseph moved to NYC and opened his first Pilates studio.

Now Pilates continues to thrive as a popular exercise for both men and women alike to strengthen muscles, improve balance, relax, and more!

Here at Endurance, we offer classes and Privates Sessions not only to women but to men as well!

Some of our clients, like Tony, have been kind enough to share their experiences and the benefits they gained from taking private classes at our studio.

  1. Background -Why did you start Pilates, and how long ago?

“I’ve always been really active. I played sports my whole life, and I was a big runner until a knee injury sidelined that hobby. Since then, I’ve worked out with a personal trainer and have done a lot of weight-lifting.”

“I started practicing Pilates four years ago because I had done research and kept reading that it was incredibly effective as a complement to weight training. I am an avid golfer, and I wanted to increase my core strength to help improve my game. I had heard and read so much about it, I figured, Why not?”

  1. How has it helped you in your life/ workout life, etc?

“It’s been a total gamechanger. I can absolutely tell the difference not only at home but also in my workouts. I feel stronger than I ever did when I only lifted weights.”

  1. How has it changed your body – how you live your day to day life?

“My flexibility is infinitely better than it used to be. From the little things—I can touch my toes without bending my knees—to the bigger ones—the back pain I used to have is completely gone—it’s completely changed my day-to-day life.”

“I have improved flexibility and more control of my body. I feel like I’m the fittest I’ve been, even compared to my twenties and thirties, and I can confidently say this is the strongest I’ve ever felt, particularly in my abdominal muscles, my lower back, and my core.”

  1. Why did you choose Endurance?

“It’s really straightforward—Endurance is classical Pilates, and I didn’t want to waste my time practicing a bastardized form of it. It also has the best, toughest instructors who make me feel challenged every time I’m there.”

  1. Anything else you can tell us about your experience with  Pilates/Endurance/Teachers at Endurance?

“My wife and I love the studio. The entire experience really sets it apart. You won’t find a more dedicated, knowledgeable staff anywhere else. Everyone is so committed to helping you achieve your goals and improve—we wouldn’t go anywhere else.”

Tony is only one of the many men who come into our studio and benefit from the amazing things Pilates can do for your mind, body, and life in general. It’s never the wrong time to give Pilates a try!


If you’re interested in trying out Pilates or want to sign up for Private Classes, check out the website: http://www.endurancepilatesandyoga.com/

To sign up for a Private Trial Session,  click the link: http://www.endurancepilatesandyoga.com/intro-pilates-private-trial.html