
December at Endurance!

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Welcome to the last month of 2022! Ready to commit to a new workout program? START NOW! Get in and form your habits right now! We make changes in our bodies via our everyday habits, the little, sometimes mundane, things that we do everyday like:
  1. Reading ingredients labels
  2. Cutting out chemicals, fillers, gums and preservatives- a must, I guarantee, you will change your body! Check your almond milk, those fillers and preservatives, they swell the intestine and force your body to expel water. Most are not easy digested by folks with a normal digestive system, let alone people with sensitive or tough to manage stomachs.
  3. Eat foods in their natural form. Less jars, boxes and bags, more skins and peels.
  4. Moving your body as much as possible. Walking when possible. Taking the stairs, standing up- get off of the chair during the Zoom meetings.
  5. Find a workout that you enjoy, of course and try to try and do a little bit every single day!
Le’s plan to add these small steps in! Planning a large and invasive change in December , or even possibly January, may be a little too much, too soon. Changes are made via the small but mighty habits that folks integrate into their lifestyles. At Endurance, we would love to help you with your health and wellness journey! Let us guide you throughout therest of 2022 and into 2023. Hope to see you in studio soon!